An exhibition featuring ten illustrators will be held in Shibuya, Tokyo celebrating all forms of husbands and wives regardless of sexuality. Along with the message that “LOVE is LOVE,” the works exhibited are based on the theme of the daily lives and various lifestyles of married couples living in this country.
The exhibition title is “Good Couple Day,” a popular day in Japan set on 22nd November. Written in kanji, the phrase typically refers to a male-female couple. Instead, the hiragana script is this time to remove that binary reference and celebrate all kinds of couples.

The exhibition will feature ten manifestations of “Good Couple Day” drawn by ten illustrators and writers who support same-sex marriages. Illustrators include manga artist Chin Nakamura (works including “Gunjo” and “Lesbian and the Seven Girls”), Japanese painter Katsuhiko Hayashi (whose recent works cover the theme of marriage and relationships) and illustrator Yuki Kawasaki (wide range of collaboration including magazines and textbooks).
Original T-shirts will be available for purchase, too. The proceeds from the sale will go to Public Interest Incorporated Association Marriage For All Japan (MFAJ) and its efforts to legislate same-sex marriage in Japan. The T-shirt is made to order too, making only what is needed to ensure no waste.
MFAJ is continually working to create a society where everyone can freely choose to marry or not, regardless of their gender. Their work includes events, seminars, media appearances, research, and lobbying.
As Japan does not recognize same-sex marriages, it is causing a lot of unease for non-traditional couples. For example, same-sex couples are not prioritized on communications should one get hospitalized. Same-sex partners can not fill out a consent form, too, as they will not be considered family members. They also cannot take time off from work to see my partner’s children, especially without revealing their orientations and identities. These are among many concerns that many take for granted and are unaware of.

If you are dropping by Harajuku or Omotesando in these coming weeks, do drop by Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku (on both 5th and 6th stories). The exhibition will be held until 25th December.
[Website] “Good Couple Day” Exhibition Page (Japanese)