Seiban Corporation, renowned for its popular “Angel’s Wings” school backpack, has introduced a new line of environmentally friendly “Ethical School Backpacks”, which utilize surplus fabric from the manufacturing process...
Nestled in Gowa Town, Amakusa City, a company named Circulife is ushering in a new era of sustainable fashion. They’ve unveiled a revolutionary dyeing method that’s not only environmentally-friendly but also aligns with the concept of...
Future Sessions Corp. and Harch Inc., renowned for its web media “IDEAS FOR GOOD,” have pooled their expertise to shape a workshop program unique to Japan’s corporate and communal landscape. The first workshop was launched last...
CUPLES Inc., with its reusable cup service, aims to shift the age-old perspective of “takeout equals disposable.” As of last month, CUPLES has widened its reach to include the Shonan region. The core of this service is a shared reusable...
In this series of “sustainable restaurant” articles, we have discovered several Japanese restaurants which are involved in the Sustainable Restaurant Association Japan (SRA-J) and the Japanese branch of internationally renowned the “FOOD...
Kankei Furniture Co., Ltd. has launched the second series of its traditional Japanese furniture line from the distinctive brand, CRUSH CRASH PROJECT (CRUSH). CRUSH’s foray into crafting numerous items with reclaimed wood resulted in a wave of...
The summer is in full swing, and once again, we find our beaches littered with plastics. There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean, of which 269,000 tons float on the surface. We have seen how these plastics kill mammals (e.g...
As countries grapple with rising food waste, the Loofen joins the roster of food waste dryers to reduce organic waste, right from our kitchens. It is a stylish appliance that wouldn’t look out of place in a contemporary interior design...
It’s been a while since most of the media and non-governmental sectors have pointed out how seriously poverty influences inequality in education, and Japanese citizens who are reluctant to admit that there’s inequality within Japanese society...
Minatomirai haishop “haishop social gallery”, dedicated to addressing social quandaries through art, opens its doors to an ambitious group exhibition, “Tsugu” from August 1 to 31. This endeavor features the ingenuity of three...