“Tora ni Tsubasa (虎に翼),” “The Tiger and Her Wings” in English, the morning drama series aired on NHK, has grown its popularity since its broadcast this April. Based on a true story, the drama depicts the life of the heroine who became Japan’s...
Osaki Town SDGs Promotion Council and Oaknet IBS have launched a collaborative demonstration experiment to digitize food waste composting. The initiative, which began on May 30, aims to leverage Osaki Town’s renowned recycling system to create...
The United Nations marked June 20 as “World Refugee Day” to celebrate the strength and courage of refugees, create awareness of the plight of people forced to flee and advocate for their right to safety. Of the many news stories about the refugee...
Otsuka Pharmaceutical and Taiho Pharmaceutical have embarked on a recycling initiative for PTP (press-through packaging) waste generated during the manufacturing of medical pharmaceuticals. Beginning in May 2024, this effort aims to significantly...
The Girl Scouts of Japan have released their 2023 Gender Survey Report on junior high and high school girls, highlighting significant concerns about gender equality in schools. The report, based on a comprehensive survey, reveals that a substantial...
Zenbird has been sharing Japan’s sustainable initiatives with the world for years now, and we are now introducing the “Sustainable City Guide: TOKYO,” an English-language guidebook aimed at promoting eco-friendly travel in the bustling...
A trip to Japan usually involves at least one visit to a Shinto shrine. Unlike other religious sites, Shinto shrines do not have subdivisions or categories that define and divide faith or community. Instead, each shrine may house multiple gods...
Meteorologists and weathercasters across Japan have issued a joint statement emphasizing the critical link between daily weather patterns and climate change. This follows in light of the latest IPCC report, which attributes the increasing severity...
These past years have been marred by global upheaval and humanitarian crises, forcing us to question ourselves and our roles in all these. Japan is no different. Some Japanese organizations and communities have demonstrated their commitment to their...
Are you interested in discovering new sustainable fashion brands? While we previously highlighted major sustainable apparel brands in Japan before, new ones are constantly emerging. Here are three notable examples. The new circular fashion...