Although the nationwide state of emergency has been lifted in Japan due to the spread of COVID-19, staying at home has become a new normal for many of us. Spending weeks at home can be monotonous, and even overwhelming at times. In this difficult...
In Japan, social awareness about developmental disorders in adulthood is on the rise, due to such coverage by TV shows and books in recent years. Developmental disorders are a group of conditions resulting from abnormal brain development. These...
Extreme weather events such as tropical storms and heatwaves are becoming worldwide occurrences, and scientists have noted a strong link between this extreme weather and climate change. As one of many approaches being tried to find solutions to...
About half of the world’s food loss is generated by businesses, especially shops and restaurants. The losses can result from inclement weather, special events, reservation cancellations, wrong orders, or stocking excessive inventory. However, we...
Kawasaki King Skyfront Tokyu Rei Hotel is in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, an hour train ride from central Tokyo. It is the world’s first hotel that utilizes hydrogen energy. Since its opening in June 2018, it has attracted many visitors and guests...
Mima City, located in Tokushima Prefecture, is known for Udatsu Townscape, which is a symbol of the city’s old days. The main characteristic of the buildings is the presence of “Udatsu,” extensions of the roof that served as protection from...
Paper is essential in our everyday lives, as they are used for books, prints, notebooks and more. They have become so convenient, it’s hard to imagine living without them. However, not many are aware of the dark side. A vast number of trees is cut...
Waking up every morning to get on the same packed train. Then, suddenly a thought pops into your mind. “What am I working for?” “Oh no, train delay due to an incident… I’ll be late for work. Just my luck.” Life in the city paralyses our sense of...
The negative legacy from the era of mass production and consumption has led to various social issues like food waste and material shortages. That is why the concept of “sustainable consumption” is spreading throughout Europe and America, and...
“Mottainai” has become a globally acknowledged term. It connotes a “respect” for something that could have been utilized. This “mottainai” concept forms the basis of actions to not waste any food in Japan, which supports today’s movement...