KOKUA Corporation, a Japanese organization dedicated to disaster prevention, has developed an innovative solution for encouraging preparedness: “LIFEGIFT,” a catalog gift that combines stylish design with life-saving utility. The...
The Zurich Insurance Company’s official Japan YouTube channel, “Green Music produced by Zurich” engaged its community to suggest locations that hold personal significance. By selecting three such locales and enlisting the talents...
This year for Earth Day Tokyo, the “Workers’ Co-op Village” adopts the mantra “Let’s create together! A ‘circle’ connecting people and nature,” in harmony with Earth Day Tokyo 2023’s theme...
In their quest to “eliminate children’s opportunity gaps,” Nessu Corporation is taking an innovative approach. By establishing a fully operational food bank system and partnering with local businesses and organizations, they aim to...
As world leaders gather in Hiroshima for the 2023 G7 Summit, a powerful confluence of factors is about to bring us to a tipping point in the global energy landscape. Climate change, geopolitical instability, and the quest for energy independence are...
TRAN PARAN’s innovative “Re Ochawan” (or “Re Bowl”) rice bowl has won the prestigious 2023 Social Product Award. The “Re Ochawan,” born from the desire for eternal earthenware, combines eco-friendliness with...
In Tokyo’s Kanda-Izumicho, Studio Satsukipon stands as a bastion of diversity, embracing artists and staff from a myriad of gender backgrounds, including transgender MtF individuals. Satsuki Nishihara, the visionary founder, has provided...
Over 350 companies and organizations have declared their support for the “Business for Marriage Equality” campaign, championing the cause of same-sex marriage legalization. The goal is ambitious: to gather 500 supporters by the end of...
The “Pride 7 Summit 2023” was held on 30 March in the International Conference Room of the House of Representatives First Members’ Office Building, bringing together LGBTQ stakeholders and supporters from around the world to...
Mamasta, a mom-focused information site, is set to launch a 4-panel comic series featuring the transgender YouTuber trio, “Mutant Wave.” The series began distribution on “Mamasta Select” on March 22, poised for a ten...