On New Year’s Day, a devastating earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, shattering the tranquility and well-wishes everyone typically associates with the start of a new year. Due to the series of earthquakes originating...
On the afternoon of 1 January 2024, the Noto Peninsula Earthquake struck the peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture with a magnitude of 7.6. A tsunami warning sounded across the western coasts of Japan, as the tsunami that followed hit the Noto Peninsula...
Satonoba University has announced the launch of two new educational programs: the “Gap Year Course” for college students and the “My Field Course” for adults, including those involved in regional revitalization initiatives...
How can technology transform and elevate the wellness of prenatal and postnatal women? Japan introduces pioneering femtech to revolutionize the wellness journey for prenatal and postnatal women, catering to their unique needs and challenges...
These are the top fashion & beauty articles for Zenbird in 2023! Fashion and beauty are really interested areas where we saw innovations and new efforts to make the industries more sustainable for a better world. 115 sustainable fashion brands...
Half the solution to the climate crisis lies with a circular economy, which encourages concepts like zero waste and reuse. Here are the top circular economy articles that grabbed your attention in 2023! How Japan approaches fashion, circular economy...
Kojima Sohonten Inc., a venerable sake brewery, has achieved a significant environmental milestone by attaining carbon neutrality in its sake production. Starting in September 2023, the company reduced its carbon dioxide emissions to virtually zero...
Beyond its vibrant cities, the archipelago unfolds a collection of wellness sanctuaries that not only rejuvenate the body and soul but also echo a profound commitment to sustainability. We traverse Japan’s 12 extraordinary wellness...
Sawara Shokamachi Hotel NIPPONIA, a distinctive hotel situated in a town that mirrors a single entity, is offering guests a unique “Sake Lees Bath Bomb Making Experience,” utilizing local sake lees and koji. This initiative is part of...
In early November, the two-day music event “Sake and Alps” was held atop a mountain standing at 1,445 meters under a clear blue sky. This unique festival offered panoramic views of two alpine ranges and Japan’s deepest valley, the Ina Valley, and...