(Japanese version below:記事後半から日本語でお読みいただけます)
Zenbird aims to connect with readers and be a helpful platform for them to live better, more enriched lives through the community. We plan to offer opportunities to deepen understanding and experience sustainable ideas that are unique to Japan.
In that regard, our second media event is coming up on April 21, live from Nara, Japan! This online event explores the Japanese tea ceremony and how it is linked to sustainability.
Tea ceremony flourished during the Edo Period, which is known to have been very sustainable. There are many overlapping areas, and the participants will learn about the tea ceremony and how sustainability, including zero waste, is intrinsic to this culture.
Anyone interested in Japanese traditional culture is welcome to this special collaboration event.
Guest speaker: Yayoi Ooka
Yayoi sensei is a licensed associate professor at Mushakoujisenke tea school. She also works as a director of an NPO, Institute for Japanese Culture Experience and Education, and as an English guide-interpreter in the Kansai region. Her work includes offering guided tours at Nara Visitor Center and Inn, where she shares her knowledge and skill in the tea ceremony. She enjoys teaching internationally, including online classes.
Yasuko Anai, a professor at Sekishu tea school
Kaoru Teshima, a professor at Omotesenke tea school
Participants will take away:
– Basic knowledge of the Japanese tea ceremony and related terminology
– Understanding of the relation between the Japanese tea ceremony and sustainability
– Answers to your questions regarding the Japanese tea ceremony
Who this is recommended for:
– Anyone who is interested in learning about tea ceremony
– Tea ceremony beginners and experienced practitioners
– Anyone seeking connection through communal learning
Event program (Tentative)
“Japanese Tea Ceremony and Sustainability” (90 min.)
1. Opening – 5 min.
2. Introduction to the Japanese tea ceremony – 10 min.
3. Demonstration of the season’s tea ceremony (on tatami mats) – 30 min.
4. Q and A session – 10 min.
5. Demonstration of the tea ceremony for all seasons (on stools) – 30 min.
6. Closing – 5 min.
Event details
Date: April 21 (10:00 – 11:30 am JST)
*April 20 (6:00 – 7:30 pm PDT)
Ticket fee: 1,000 yen
Venue: Online (through the Zoom link provided.)
Language: Operated and presented in English
Max. number of participants: 30
Register: Through eventbrite or Peatix
Host: Zenbird Media
Social contribution: Join the event and donate a plate of curry to a child in Nara
The event host, Zenbird, will take part in a zero hunger project through this event. When you join the event, we will donate one meal on your behalf to Genki Curry, a children’s cafe that tackles child hunger in Nara, Japan.
Please note
– We will open the Zoom room 5 min. before the event starts. Please click the Zoom link to enter the room.
– Please have your microphone on mute during the lecture.
– Please be aware that we will video record the event. Feel free to turn off your camera if you feel uncomfortable being recorded. The recorded video will be edited and streamed on YouTube.
– We cannot refund the ticket fee after the payment process has been completed.
– We recommend you to prepare a drink and some snacks to enjoy the event.
(Japanese version below)
Zenbirdでは、4月21日(木)にオンラインイベント「Japanese Tea Ceremony and Sustainability」を開催します。本イベントでは、茶道とサステナビリティの関わりについて、茶道の実演を交えながら探っていきます。

申し込む (eventbrite) 申し込む (Peatix)ゲストスピーカー
大岡 やよい
武者小路千家准教授でNPO日本文化体験交流塾(IJCEE)理事。IJCEE関西支部にて研修及び茶道体験の講師を務める。通訳案内士として、一般社団法人 関西通訳・ガイド協会の新人研修の講師を務め、特に奈良観光でのガイデイングには定評がある。奈良町の町家で「英語でのお茶会」を開催中。
穴井 裕子 石州流教授
手島 薫 表千家教授
「Japanese Tea Ceremony and Sustainability」(90分)
- オープニング(5分)
- 茶道の紹介 (10分)
- 季節の茶道の実演 (30分)
- 質疑応答 (10分)
- 通年の茶道の実演 (30分)
- まとめ (5分)
日時: 2022年4月21日(木) 10:00~11:30 (日本時間)
参加費用: 1,000円
会場: オンライン (お申込みいただいた方へZoomURLをご案内いたします。)
定員: 30名(先着順)
お申し込み方法: eventbriteまたはPeatixからお申し込みください。
主催: Zenbird Media
- 開場は9:55を予定しております。ZoomURLをクリックし、ご入室ください。
- レクチャーの時間にはマイクをミュートにさせていただきます。
- 後日、Zenbirdのレポート等にて、プログラム開催中の写真を公開する場合がございます。写真NGの場合、カメラオフにてご参加ください。
- イベントの内容は録画させていただき、編集後YouTube動画等として使用させていただく予定です。予めご了承ください。
- お申込み後のご返金はお受けしかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
- 当日は飲み物や軽食をお持ちの上、お気軽にお楽しみください。
Previous Zenbird events
- 2023-01-27: Japanese kominka offer a path to sustainable living
- 2022-12-19: Zenbird to host event “Japanese Old Folk House Kominka and Sustainable Hints”
- 2022-10-26: Japan’s shojin ryori cuisine offers tips to practice sustainable eating
- 2022-10-01: Zenbird to host online event “Japanese plant-based cooking Shojin Ryori and sustainable spirit”
- 2022-06-30: Zenbird to host online event “Kyoto Gion Festival: How-To! 1,000-year community, Resilience & COVID”