weMORI, an app that aims to make protecting and restoring forests fun, easy and accessible for everyone with just one tap on your mobile phone, delivered its beta public launch last month. Users can make donations to forest actions needed around the world with their fingertips. They can also gain information on areas of the forest regenerated by their contributions, the wild animals and plants that inhabit the forest, as well as news on the total amount of CO2 reduction.

Forests play a vital role in supporting rivers and oceans in providing clean water. They also provide millions with food and income. Most of all, forests are nature’s best carbon-capture-and-storage system, thereby being the key to solving climate change. Yet we are losing them at top speed through deforestation. Scientists say if we continue at the current pace, billions of people could live in desert-like conditions by 2070. Cutting and slashing forests are rampant. Many plants, animals and insect species go extinct every single day.
If we continue to destroy forests at this rate, we will not be able to maintain civilization and happiness. In today’s world, “deterioration” of the natural environment far exceeds its “regeneration.” To put a stop to this crisis, Japanese non-profit weMORI, founded by environmental activist Ian Shimizu, took on the challenge of mobilizing non-activists to environmental action to slow deforestation down and ramp reforesting up. Protecting forests and defending them from deforestation locks carbon within while keeping biodiversity. Therefore, funding projects that protect and restore forests exemplified by weMORI is a key in curbing deforestation.

It’s often challenging to take action even if you are concerned about environmental issues. In addition, it’s hard to track what impact your action might have, even if you participate. But with weMORI, users can receive visualized results of their actions and the forest conservation process. It’s a simple, positive step you can take towards protecting the environment.
So why not use weMORI to support forest conservation and restoration projects around the world directly from your mobile phone? The app is a perfect tool for anyone who wants to play a part in saving the Earth’s environment.
weMORI’s official launch is scheduled for Earth Day on the coming April 22.