Tokyo’s inimitably convenient train network just got even better after Tokyu Corporation shifted its Setagaya tram line to 100% renewable energy. This makes it the first urban commuter train service in Japan powered entirely by sustainable energy, the company says.
It also makes the 94-year old Setagaya line a leading example of the creation of renewable energy markets in Japan.

As of March 25, 2019, the light rail line has been using geothermal and hydraulic power. The power is supplied by Tohoku Electric Power Co. via Tokyo Power Supply. The change cuts the line’s carbon dioxide emissions to zero. This is down from a company 2018 estimate of 1,263 tons of carbon dioxide expelled.
The little Setagaya line is made up of just 10 stations over a distance of about five kilometers. In 2017 the number of its daily users averaged around 57,541 people. That’s just a fraction of the total of 3.17 million daily users on Tokyu Corp.’s all eight train lines. In fact, it is smaller still when you compare to the dozen or so other rail companies that runs more than 50 train lines in the metropolis. But, it is a step in the right direction that will set an example for other operators. This will then reveal an opportunity for the expansion of renewable energy use throughout the nation.
The electricity is produced at the Matsukawa geothermal power plant in Iwate Prefecture and at the Ogoshi hydroelectric power plant in Yamagata Prefecture. They are both located in the Tohoku region, in the north of Japan’s main island. The natural abundance of the countryside is providing the power for the daily commute of Tokyoites hundreds of kilometers away.

For Tokyu Corp., the train line’s shift to renewable energy is part of its focus on creating a low-carbon, renewable society. This is in line with its mid-term management plan goal of creating sustainable growth. In order to achieve future utilization of renewable energy, Tohoku Electric Power is seeking to expand those operations in line with services tailored to customers’ needs.
The three companies behind the project say they aim to further help promote sustainable urban development. The environmental benefits of renewable energy use is desirable. They also recognize its social value as they anticipate their initiatives will increase value for residents along the rail line. That recognition gives consumers the power to push for change.