It is heartbreaking, and yet so common, to see old men in the 70s manning construction and car parking sites in Japan, waving traffic control lights in blue uniforms and apologizing to passing-by pedestrians for the inconvenience, even under the...
Studio Ghibli, one of the most famous Japanese film production companies in the world, has recently premiered a new film titled “The Boy and the Heron” (Original title: Kimi tachi wa dou ikiruka” meaning, “How do you live” in Japanese). Both the...
The rainy season in Japan may pose an inconvenience for many, but it gives the Kyoto townhouses a welcoming, rustic atmosphere. That is the feeling one gets as they walk into the pathway tucked between the row of traditional Kyoto machiya (wooden...
The coronavirus has forced many companies globally to shift their working style. Due to the pandemic, we have seen a rise in both employees and employers working from home. The past year saw “workation” as a buzzword too. However, in...
Students of a Japanese business college that specializes in occupational skills training for people who have left their jobs due to depression or developmental disorders, have started writing articles for Zenbird Media’s sister site, IDEAS FOR GOOD...
AIR Inc., a company based in Tokyo, is engaged in business such as drone industry, crowd funding and event planning. It carried out a survey related to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) with the members of the “joshikai community” (women-only...