Imagine if women and girls could wear special underwear during their periods without the need for pads, tampons or cups. This would save money, reduce waste and alleviate the stress of feeling uncomfortable when purchasing these products, making...
“Tora ni Tsubasa (虎に翼),” “The Tiger and Her Wings” in English, the morning drama series aired on NHK, has grown its popularity since its broadcast this April. Based on a true story, the drama depicts the life of the heroine who became Japan’s...
The conversation around sustainability and biodiversity is growing bigger every year, and now a unique initiative in Japan is making significant strides towards these while simultaneously championing women’s empowerment. The “WOMEN FOR...
The number of working women in Japan reached a record high of 30 million in 2022, but it is still second last among developed countries after South Korea. Moreover, half of these women are employed on a part-time basis. There is still a conventional...
Since its establishment in 1984, Studio Ghibli has continued to create many films showcasing inspiring characters, especially women and girls. In the previous article, I featured characters from the 1990s or earlier, so I’ll focus on the films of...
It has been a while since #Metoo and #Kutoo (ongoing movement in Japan against high heels policy in the workplace) movements have helped the women speak up after enduring a male-dominated society and its accompanying gender stereotypes for a long...
“The Full-Time Wife Escapist,” or “We Married as a Job” (original title: “Nigeru ha Haji daga Yaku ni Tatsu”), became a social phenomenon in 2016. Many audiences, including me, thought it was merely one of the trendy romcoms. However, this drama was...