As the weather turns colder, it’s the perfect season to unwind and enjoy a movie at home. Here are some recommended movies and an anime series that depict LGBTQ people living with joy despite challenges in life. Although some are so heavy that...
In Tokyo’s Kanda-Izumicho, Studio Satsukipon stands as a bastion of diversity, embracing artists and staff from a myriad of gender backgrounds, including transgender MtF individuals. Satsuki Nishihara, the visionary founder, has provided...
“as is” is an underwear brand designed for transmen and transwomen. It is developed by Nissen Inner who takes in feedback from customers to create the most suitable innerwear by being close to each person’s mind and body. “as is” wants them to...
Japan Women’s University announced last month that it will start accepting transgender students, joining a recent trend among women’s universities here. In consideration of its current enrollment, it has set 2024 as the start date for entrance of...