Paper has been an intimate part of Japanese life and culture for more than a millennium. Paper made by traditional Japanese methods is called “washi.” Handmade washi paper has a warm texture, as well as resilience and durability that...
“Gender equality,” as stated in the SDGs, is to realize a society where each person is free to make choices regardless of gender. This trend has recently spilled over into the Japanese toy industry by introducing products that challenge gender...
The term “composting” is one that we are hearing more and more about these days. In fact, it is an important element of Japanese wisdom handed down from generation to generation, utilizing the action of microorganisms to ferment and...
In Japan, about one out of every ten people is left-handed. Therefore, left-handed people are the minority in society. There are also people who can only use one side of their body due to physical disabilities. Japan’s environment for left...
As Japan’s Plastic Resource Circulation Act will be enacted in April, the nation’s interest in a circular economy is likely to increase. The Act promotes the society to “not generate waste” instead of the conventional “reduce waste.” The...