Recently, everyday Japanese foods have undergone a transformation into sustainable beauty products in Japan. Discover the innovative intersection of traditional ingredients and modern skincare, unlocking the secrets of how these natural elements are...
HolyTech and Takumi-Taku, a group of Shizuoka University students, collaborated with Suruga Take Sensuji Zaiku, Shizuoka city’s national designated traditional craft of more than 180 years, to initiate a project that aims to revive traditional...
It is important to involve multiple stakeholders for cities to move forward with decarbonization. Hamamatsu-city, Shizuoka prefecture is leading the way with the use of renewable energy generation such as solar. Blessed with more than 2,460 daylight...
Coronavirus lockdowns and stay-at-home orders are coming to an end around the world. For many of us, confinement stress is transforming into anxiety over how to keep safe in a COVID-19 world. Aiming to keep the mood light, a restaurant in Japan is...
When it comes to contributing to household chores, Japanese men don’t come across well statistically. They spend only 25 minutes a day on housework, according to a survey released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development...
Lake Hamana in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture used to be lake of freshwater and seawater with abundant inhabitants. However, over the years, sea lettuce known as “aosa” have been multiplying in huge amounts reaching to an extent that they are...