Regional Revitalization Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the renowned Pasona Group, is rejuvenating small-town Kotohira Town, Kagawa Prefecture. June 17 marks the opening of their flagship microbrewery, “DONZO Brewing,” an integral component...
In Japan, waste disposal is managed at a municipal level. As in most Japanese cities, residents of Kamikatsu are responsible for sorting their household waste, but this town has 45 categories of garbage. Kamikatsu is a small town of 1,500 in Shikoku...
It’s the moment we have all been waiting for: the completion of Kamikatsu town’s Zero Waste Center. It’s been more than a year since we first heard of its plans. Now, the town’s efforts has come to fruition, and the execution is better than...
The town of Kamikatsu is located in Tokushima prefecture, in the island of Shikoku. Kamikatsu has become famous worldwide for the town’s declaration to aim zero-waste by 2020. As the world is gradually moving toward a circular economy, where...
A few months ago, we featured Tabi no Tochu (meaning “On The Way” in English), an introduction of the guesthouse on its innovative usage of a sharing economy to provide a missing welfare need. Unfortunately, we didn’t go deeper to explore the inner...
Imagine the challenges you may face as a sexual minority in a rural area in Japan, where the resources and support are limited. Where can you go and who can you turn to in order to find guidance and a sense of community? A coming-out photo project...
Mima City, located in Tokushima Prefecture, is known for Udatsu Townscape, which is a symbol of the city’s old days. The main characteristic of the buildings is the presence of “Udatsu,” extensions of the roof that served as protection from...
Anyone attending the Shikoku Share Summit 2019 was bound to learn something new. Covering a plethora of industries, attendees discovered the uniqueness of each industry and the steps in which problems were solved. In this article, we will pick a few...
What does the term “Sharing Economy” mean to you? The term “sharing economy” often conjures up the examples of Uber and Airbnb. But these companies always seem to have something missing for me. In hindsight, these companies did not fulfil its...
About an hour’s drive from Tokushima City is Kamikatsu, a small town in Shikoku Island. This depopulated town has less than 1,600 people, 50% of which belongs to an aging population. In spite of that, this town welcomes approximately 2,600...