A new Tokyo-based camera-sharing service has upped the stakes for similar businesses by offering new cameras and lenses instead of used ones. The move recognizes a growing interest toward utilizing a sharing economy and advances the range of sharing...
A SDGs survey by advertising company Dentsu has found that about half of Japanese aim to incorporate minimalism into their lifestyles and avoid plastic. The online questionnaire was conducted in mid-January as the third in a series of surveys...
Today was supposed to be Japan’s last day of self-quarantine. But that was not to be. The Japanese government has extended the period to 31 May for 13 cities. Until the numbers of infections drop below and under control, the situation will...
Second-hand online marketplaces are becoming a common way to let go of personal stuff. However, when monetary transactions are involved, unwanted costs and friction could arise during the price negotiation process. Sometimes, you might encounter...
Japan’s first garment-sharing service company, airCloset, is aiming for zero apparel waste via its business model for sustainable fashion. However, it is not content with that alone. It also plans to work on all the United Nations’ sustainability...
On 10 December 2019, Odakyu Electric Railway released ONE, a community service platform. ONE (pronounced oh-ney) is the acronym for Open Next Experience. It is a mobile application that serves as the hub for sharing economy applications. ONE...
Is working long hours for a company a thing of the past in Japan? The answer is, not yet, but it seems that one by one, industries have started to reform various systems and expectations in an attempt to improve employees’ work-life balance. Qnoir...
Labor shortage is growing critical in Japanese agriculture. According to a report by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the aging issue of farmers and decline of new work force are becoming more serious each year. And labor shortage is...
Deciding to buy a house is no small decision to be made. It takes significant monetary commitment, and often years of debt to clear. For many, that is one of their ultimate goals in life. But there is an emerging trend that branches away from the...
Camping outdoors is always fun. But booking the camp site, preparing the necessary items for camping, let alone setting up the tent, requires a lot of hard work. By the end of the day, what was supposed to be a fun, relaxing time in the wilderness...