To mark the end of this year’s Tokyo Dance Music Week, the final installment of the online festival will be powered solely by renewable energy. The September 13 event will be broadcasted from the main deck of Tokyo Tower using only renewable energy...
Biogas power generation is expected to spread in the future and Japan’s Tohoku region is spearheading the trend. Just last month, 4 companies in the Tohoku region announced that they will team up to launch a new company. it will initiate a bio food...
The company leading a project to create Japan’s largest-scale palm oil power plant in Kyoto Prefecture has informed a citizens’ group fighting the development that it has decided to pull out of the project. On April 23, the group Association...
Japan’s first garment-sharing service company, airCloset, is aiming for zero apparel waste via its business model for sustainable fashion. However, it is not content with that alone. It also plans to work on all the United Nations’ sustainability...
The climate crisis is urgent. According to the United Nations, we need to drop our carbon emissions by a staggering 55% by 2030 in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are already likely seeing some of the effects of climate...
Climate change is undoubtedly going to affect all of us in the future — in fact, we are already seeing some of its consequences play out now. Though the scientific consensus is nearly unanimous, and people in general realize that global...
Tokyu Corporation joined RE100 on October 25, making it the first Japanese railway company to publicly commit to using 100% renewable energy. The railway company will further its commitment to a sustainable, low-carbon society in which renewable...
Starting October, TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) has moved three of its prominent locations: akasaka Sacas, Akasaka Blitz and Akasaka ACT Theater towards completely operated by renewable energy. This switch is in line with SDG Media Compact, an...
Nissin Food Holdings has announced its decision to switch to sustainable energy through Waste-To-Energy plants as their main source of electrical power for its headquarters in Tokyo by the end of this year. Waste-To-Energy, also known as WtE, is an...
Renewable energy provides sustainable energy, massively cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions and helps to minimize the impact of climate change. Tokyo, the economic center of Japan, has been seeking to contribute to the global goal of zeroing out...