The town of Kamikatsu is located in Tokushima prefecture, in the island of Shikoku. Kamikatsu has become famous worldwide for the town’s declaration to aim zero-waste by 2020. As the world is gradually moving toward a circular economy, where...
Takunan Shoji (herein after Takunan), an enterprise based in Okinawa, specializes in recycling various materials. Takunan scraps over 6,600 discarded vehicles every month, but had trouble concerning the windows of these vehicles. They could not...
Good Nature Hotel, a new Kyoto hotel, looks set to receive the WELL Building Standard accreditation. It will be the first hotel in the world to receive the accreditation for incorporating features that ensure users’ health and well-being. Good...
Amid the global movement to move away from plastic, Japanese startup Camino Co., Ltd. in Minoto-ku, Tokyo has come up with an innovative, environmentally friendly material called PAPLUS®, made from plant-based biodegradable resin and paper waste...
Every year, approximately 1,450 Starbucks outlets nationwide in Japan consume 1,000 ton of milk cartons. Since 2010, this massive amount is recycled daily. Every empty milk carton is washed, dried, folded neatly and recycled. The dedicated efforts...
Paper is essential in our everyday lives, as they are used for books, prints, notebooks and more. They have become so convenient, it’s hard to imagine living without them. However, not many are aware of the dark side. A vast number of trees is cut...
It’s not only the medals that are going to be made from recycled materials at the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. So are the podiums that are going to be used during the medal awarding ceremonies! Collection boxes are now situated at 2,000...
KAO, a homecare consumer products company, is working with the local community and companies in Kamakura. They are proposing a new system for a recycling-oriented society. Their project, “RecyCreation,” aims to spearhead the way for a better future...
Discarding furniture in the house is something we often come across, but what about discarding furniture in the office? Businesses are bound discard their office furniture at a some point, like when they want to move to a larger office. But so often...
About an hour’s drive from Tokushima City is Kamikatsu, a small town in Shikoku Island. This depopulated town has less than 1,600 people, 50% of which belongs to an aging population. In spite of that, this town welcomes approximately 2,600...