Kyoto’s age-old dashi manufacturer, Uneno Co., Ltd., renowned since its establishment in 1903 for its diverse range of additive-free dashi, is collaborating with the contemporary dog-focused brand, mellowbear. On August 21, these two seemingly...
Our pet dogs are beloved family members. Why not try sustainable lifestyles with your dogs? It sounds simple, but many dog owners might not know what to do to make their lives more sustainable. In this article, we introduce six ideas for sustainable...
*This article contains affiliate links. Many pet owners start taking a look at additive-free and healthy dog foods when their dogs get sick. Switching to affordable, additive-free dog food is something to consider for lovable friends. You may be...
*This article contains affiliate links. The chemical substances included in clothing are highly irritating for dogs and can cause stress and skin diseases. By switching your dog’s clothing to those using organic materials, you can alleviate your pet...
The pet toy industry has become keen to design products catered to the increasingly diverse lifestyles of pet owners in recent years. Some people also look for sustainable pet items. A Japanese cat play equipment brand, neuneko, released a cat tower...
It’s not just humans that can choose to be healthy and sustainable. Dogs also have the option to lead different lifestyles through diet choices. PETOKOTO in Shinagawa, Tokyo, known for producing quality dog food, has developed Japan’s first dog food...
Enkara, a web media company dedicated to the well-being of dogs, has launched a project to upcycle used childrenswear into dogwear. Collected kids’ clothes are cut into small pieces, and sewn together to create colorful dogwear. The company...