On a tiny island off the coast of southern Oita Prefecture, a community-led initiative is demonstrating the profound impact of small-scale, integrated efforts in addressing complex social and environmental challenges. Fukashima, often referred to as...
Tucked away in the lush expanse of Aso Kuju National Park, “Wenavillage Kuju Muroshuku Hatsuiboshi” offers a retreat for glamping—a term derived from “glamorous camping.” This trend caters to those seeking the solitude of...
BEPPU CRAFT revealed its commitment to forest rejuvenation through a novel initiative – turning the region’s untapped bamboo bounty into a delectable treat for both locals and tourists. Bamboo, while celebrated in Asian culture for its...
YOGIRLS Corporation is launching the residential school, “YOGIRLS HOUSE,” in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, providing programs to improve physical and mental health, as well as career counseling to enable people to work in their own unique...
Dental Salon Japan Co. Ltd. in Oita Prefecture has begun selling general-purpose dental sheets that can be used without water during disasters from 1 March. They have also started holding seminars to raise awareness of the importance of oral care in...
Waking to the chiming tunes that ring through the streets at 6am. Taking in the smell of coffee that fills the house. Savoring the hearty breakfast, as the citizens of Taketa city wake and bustle by the cafe window on the ground floor. That is the...
While Taketa City is well-known for its beauty in its surroundings. One can see the majestic mountain ranges and enjoy the sights while bathing in the many hot springs. Yet many do not realize how many wonderful artisans have gathered here, each...
Here in a quiet neighborhood of Beppu city in Oita prefecture, a cyan awning shelters anticipating guests queuing in sunset. On it, writes the name of the ramen restaurant “Yume Wo Katare”. This is where 17-year-old manager, Ryoma Kamikubo, gives...
Youths around the world are showing their determined quality. Unfettered by the coronavirus outbreak, they are bringing the Global Climate Strike online under the banner #ClimateStrikeOnline. Come this Friday, 24 April, one of those Climate Strike...