The city of Morioka, located in the picturesque Iwate Prefecture, played host to the local qualifying round of the “SPOGOMI WORLD CUP 2023” on June 10. This unique and groundbreaking event combines sport and environmentalism, encouraging...
Sea and Japan Project in Tottori, partnering with Yurihama Town in Tottori Prefecture and the Tottori Prefecture Central Cleaning Business Cooperative, carried out a groundbreaking experiment on June 6. The experiment involved the use of drones to...
In a fiercely competitive and fun-filled event, the “Sea and Japan Project in Shimane” stirred the sands of the Furaura beach on May 27th. The epic face-off titled “Cleanliness Saurus VS Clean-Loving Humans: The Furaura Beach...
N-ARK Corporation unveiled its business blueprint for a maritime city dubbed “Dogen City.” This venture’s mission is to create “NEW OCEAN,” an ambitious economic space, fostering collaboration between academia...
Goto is a city in Nagasaki prefecture, consisting of 11 inhabited and 52 uninhabited islands. The city is in the westernmost area of the Kyushu Island; almost 1,000 kilometers west from Tokyo. T-Point Japan co. ltd., a Japanese company engaged in...
Japanese plastics manufacturer, TechnoLab, has started using plastic waste from Japan’s oceans to make home interior goods and furniture. This project aims to bring recycling activities to local towns and overseas. The crowdfunding and community...
Japan is an island surrounded by the sea, which is why its most famous cuisine, sushi, is relished around the globe. But what if global warming shows no signs of stopping and ocean habitats and living environment are continuously affected by climate...
The third Monday in July in Japan is a national holiday known as Marine Day, dedicated to the ocean and its blessings to Japan as an island nation. The day fell on July 15 this year, and the seaside lifestyle and Shonan travel guide website BYTHESEA...
What if livestock become extinct? What if the waste we dump killed animals elsewhere? If forests disappear from the Earth, what then? If only human beings are left on Earth, will there be any food left to eat? How often do we think about the Earth...