As the 13th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster approaches, international environmental NGO Friends of the Earth (FoE) Japan is seeking public support through crowdfunding. This...
The newly-formed network “Watashi no Mirai,” “Fridays For Future Tokyo,” which has been tackling climate issues since 2019, and the “Goodbye Nuclear Power 10 Million Action,” spearheaded by noted personalities...
It can be pretty daunting to be in the vicinity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant without proper knowledge. It is no Chornobyl but can still give hesitance to visitors to the area. On the other hand, despite the radioactive disaster 11...
Hibakusha are victims of nuclear bombings, often used to refer to those who have experienced the nuclear explosions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Like the worry of preserving history when the last Holocaust victims pass away, Hiroshima faces a problem:...
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry showcased its new blueprint for circular economies, the “Circular Economy Vision 2020” report, with the aim of creating a virtuous cycle between the environment and economic growth. The report outlines the...
Nuclear waste refers to the byproducts of nuclear reactors. One of the biggest challenges of a nuclear power plant is how to manage this spent fuel after the power has been generated. Spent nuclear fuel is dangerously radioactive and has the...
Aside from its safety and waste concerns, nuclear power is considered one of the most viable options for sustainable energy solutions. This owes to its clean, efficient production of power. Nuclear power is often praised for its ability to generate...