Iki Island, part of Nagasaki Prefecture, is a serene escape characterised by sparkling emerald waters, pristine white sands, and rugged cliffs sculpted by the relentless force of the waves. Often referred to as the “Island of Gods,” Iki...
To promote SDGs and progress regional revitalization, Japan has called out to local governments to be sustainable. Iki City from Nagasaki Prefecture is one of first 29 cities chosen to be a model “SDGs Future City.” However, as an island...
Youths around the world are showing their determined quality. Unfettered by the coronavirus outbreak, they are bringing the Global Climate Strike online under the banner #ClimateStrikeOnline. Come this Friday, 24 April, one of those Climate Strike...
It can be hard to find a good job. If you live in a regional area with fewer big companies, it is harder still. If you are also disabled, your options are further limited. But a Japanese company is creating jobs for such people by setting up farms...
Just an hour away from Sasebo city in Nagasaki prefecture, is the countryside of Koubaru. It lies in a beautiful valley of rice fields and carefree wildlife. Ishiki River also runs through it, a small river of the cleanest water and large number of...
Sasebo city, located in Nagasaki prefecture, welcomed the New Year with its municipalities, a collaboration with Machimachi Inc; the first on Kyushu island. Machimachi is Japan’s largest neighborhood social network service. Founded in 2015, this...
Goto is a city in Nagasaki prefecture, consisting of 11 inhabited and 52 uninhabited islands. The city is in the westernmost area of the Kyushu Island; almost 1,000 kilometers west from Tokyo. T-Point Japan co. ltd., a Japanese company engaged in...