This marks my third installment of “Manga ‘One Piece’ and social commentary.” This time, I’ve decided to delve into another significant social theme portrayed in the series. Although One Piece captivates audiences with its great story and charming...
From April 2022, the Japanese government has finally started to provide insurance coverage for fertility treatment including in vitro fertilization (IVF), at less than one-third of the previous cost. Numerous couples have awaited fertility treatment...
As I wrote before in my previous column, the manga “One Piece” written by Eiichiro Oda covers various social issues as though it is a microcosm of the real world. While One Piece has consistently held the top spot in both the manga and anime fields...
The news that Netflix is making a live-action adaptation of “One Piece” came as a big shock to me, having grown up with the manga “One Piece” written by Eiichiro Oda. It has never once relinquished the top spot in the 25 years...
“Beastars,” a Japanese manga series written by Paru Itagaki, may deserve your attention if you are looking for an outstanding work that provokes plenty of thoughts on social issues. The animation work is now available on the streaming service...
What would happen if men and women swap their roles entirely, and women had social and political power? You may find out the answer in a Japanese Sci-Fi manga series, “Ooku: The Inner Chambers,” by Fumi Yoshinaga, that has been made into TV drama...
“Moon Prism Power Make Up!” Usagi says in an orotund tone, momentarily starting to transform into a superhero called “Sailor Moon,” gorgeously dressed, getting ready for the battles. I had been truly fascinated by how an ordinary girl could bravely...
“What Did You Eat Yesterday?” (original title: “Kinou Nani Tabeta?”), based on the manga series with the same title written and illustrated by Fumi Yoshinaga is a heartwarming Japanese TV drama series that portrays a slice of life of a middle-aged...