In Japan, the first month of the year is called “Shogatsu,” and various events are held to celebrate the New Year from January 1 to 7. One of the traditions during this time is for families to gather together and eat a special dish...
In Japan, there is a traditional custom of cleaning up at the end of the year to welcome the New Year with a refreshed mind. This custom originated in the event called “Susuharai,” held at court in the Heian era, from the late 8th...
The cost of living is significantly rising this winter, and we are required cost-effective ways to keep warm, using as few heaters as possible. Ancient Japanese traditions of thermal protection wisdom will surely give you some tips on how to save...
The rising cost of living has become a serious issue worldwide. It is due to the shortage of electricity supply and water supply caused by abnormal weather conditions and the shortage of gas supply due to the effects of war. In 2011, Japan faced a...
The sun is beginning to shine brightly, and we are looking forward to the arrival of full-blown summer. Summers in Japan are hot and humid. Especially in recent years, the heat island effect can make the days uncomfortable and hard to bear. To get...