A trip to Japan usually involves at least one visit to a Shinto shrine. Unlike other religious sites, Shinto shrines do not have subdivisions or categories that define and divide faith or community. Instead, each shrine may house multiple gods...
Studio Ghibli, one of the most famous Japanese film production companies in the world, has recently premiered a new film titled “The Boy and the Heron” (Original title: Kimi tachi wa dou ikiruka” meaning, “How do you live” in Japanese). Both the...
The summer of 2023 has just begun, but heat waves and excess rains have already destroyed communities in the northern hemispheres, be it Shizuoka and Wakayama in Japan or Texas and Boston in the United States. More are surely on the way, with El...
I had believed somewhere in my heart that a huge natural disaster would never really happen to me until I watched “Japan Sinks: 2020.” Japan Sinks: 2020 depicts ordinary people’s survival of catastrophic disaster The work created by a famous...
The COVID-19 pandemic has left us some space to ponder questions like “what would you do if you had only one day to live?” or “have I been living the way I really want?” Becoming aware that death is not unfamiliar anymore makes us reassess the...