“Tora ni Tsubasa (虎に翼),” “The Tiger and Her Wings” in English, the morning drama series aired on NHK, has grown its popularity since its broadcast this April. Based on a true story, the drama depicts the life of the heroine who became Japan’s...
As the weather turns colder, it’s the perfect season to unwind and enjoy a movie at home. Here are some recommended movies and an anime series that depict LGBTQ people living with joy despite challenges in life. Although some are so heavy that...
A special drama “Mr. Period and His Daughter (original title: “Seiri no Ojisan to Sono Musume”) was aired by NHK, a Japanese public broadcaster. This drama is heartwarming yet groundbreaking in terms of making menstruation open to any gender and any...
What would happen if men and women swap their roles entirely, and women had social and political power? You may find out the answer in a Japanese Sci-Fi manga series, “Ooku: The Inner Chambers,” by Fumi Yoshinaga, that has been made into TV drama...
“What Did You Eat Yesterday?” (original title: “Kinou Nani Tabeta?”), based on the manga series with the same title written and illustrated by Fumi Yoshinaga is a heartwarming Japanese TV drama series that portrays a slice of life of a middle-aged...
“The Full-Time Wife Escapist,” or “We Married as a Job” (original title: “Nigeru ha Haji daga Yaku ni Tatsu”), became a social phenomenon in 2016. Many audiences, including me, thought it was merely one of the trendy romcoms. However, this drama was...
Femcare brand MAPUTI run by lojus, Inc. (Tokyo, Shibuya Ward) produces a drama series “Yurei no kanojo to watashi no koi,” meaning falling in love with a ghost. The streaming started on its official Youtube and TikTok accounts for free from Friday...