In the sleepy coastal town of Yono, perched on the northernmost edge of Iwate Prefecture, a unique assembly took place on a midsummer Saturday in 2023. A consortium of minds from various sectors – fishing industry stakeholders, culinary pioneers...
Fermenstation Inc., which focuses on unique fermentation technologies, has recently joined forces with Takagamori Ark Farm, a 100-hectare ranch in Iwate Prefecture, to breathe new life into surplus dried lavender, mint, and honey. Beginning 28...
Japan is facing a super-ageing society today, especially in regional areas where the number of elderly people are extremely high. A lot of these rural towns are finding it hard to watch over their elderly, some of whom show signs of wandering due to...
Going green is becoming not only a moral decision but an essential business focus in the food industry. With this in mind, Crazy Kitchen, a Japanese catering company, has started a new service called “Sustainable Collection” focusing on...
I arrived at an unmanned train station which had absolutely nothing. Well, to be accurate, it did have a brand-new waiting room (with a bench) and a toilet. This was in Rikuzen Takada City in the southeast region of Iwate Prefecture. The area has...
Hirota is a town in Rikuzen Takata city, Iwate Prefecture; everyday young people relocate here, providing a breath of fresh air. They are organizing events which involves the locals, and are promoting a vacation rental business. In the background...
Like the various sustainable terms, it can also be daunting on first hearing “sustainable tourism”. Sustainable Tourism is the kind of tourism that values economic, social and environmental effects of the present and future, while answering to the...