On New Year’s Day, a devastating earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, shattering the tranquility and well-wishes everyone typically associates with the start of a new year. Due to the series of earthquakes originating...
On the afternoon of 1 January 2024, the Noto Peninsula Earthquake struck the peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture with a magnitude of 7.6. A tsunami warning sounded across the western coasts of Japan, as the tsunami that followed hit the Noto Peninsula...
Japanese brand, Urushi no Hashi Juhachi Zen, offers 18 stylish lacquered chopstick designs, as the name “Juhachi (18)” suggests. In Japanese culture, the eighteenth position is typically the most prominent in a performance, implying a performer’s...
Last month, YOU LLC released two cosmetic products, “INAHO Lees Lotion” and “INAHO Lees Serum,” which are made using discarded sake lees. YOU LLC is a company that specializes in developing products using sake lees. Lees are...