This marks my third installment of “Manga ‘One Piece’ and social commentary.” This time, I’ve decided to delve into another significant social theme portrayed in the series. Although One Piece captivates audiences with its great story and charming...
Coming out is a life-changing experience that requires courage and the right timing. Many LGBT people find that the process of job hunting in Japan can force that timing and expose them to a non-understanding environment. More than 40% of...
In the past two years, COVID-19 has affected us, and the government has provided benefits to citizens in Japan. However, victims of domestic violence have been unable to receive these benefits due to the system. In many cases, the perpetrators have...
The coronavirus pandemic has had severe effects on Japan and the rest of the world. The most devastating impacts are, of course, the millions who have succumbed to or have been infected with the disease. While Japan has fared better than other...