A groundbreaking all-gender restroom was removed from Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex in Shinjuku, Tokyo, in July 2023, only four months after the opening, in the wake of criticism. Has Tokyo moved one step away from queer urbanism...
In recent years, initiatives related to diversity have been under active discussion worldwide. In the area of design, there is a search for ways to make design easy to use for people of various backgrounds. For example, universal design is a method...
In Japan, about one out of every ten people is left-handed. Therefore, left-handed people are the minority in society. There are also people who can only use one side of their body due to physical disabilities. Japan’s environment for left...
Kyoto is one of the leading tourist destinations in Japan, well-known for its old shrines, temples, Japanese gardens, and ancient neighborhoods. However, the city’s charm does not end there. Its wide variety of accommodation is also something...