The pandemic is finally over, and along with it, the border restrictions implemented to prevent the spread of diseases. The Japanese government has removed border measures for the pandemic, allowing all entrants to stay in Japan without vaccination...
Japanese manga and TV animation series, “Kimetsu no Yaiba” or “Demon Slayer” has been a huge hit during the pandemic, and a film based on the manga has broken box office records in Japan, grossing over 72 million USD in just 24 days. Demons are not...
In 2018, I spent a year in Tokyo with my then 3-year-old son. At first, it was a breeze, coming from New York City. Train stations have an elevator, and bathrooms are clean and everywhere. Over time, though, I began to sense unspoken social...
Have you seen photos of kyara-ben (short for “Character Bento”)? They are lunchboxes packed with homemade food decorated to look like animals and anime characters. When I moved to Japan with my 3-year-old and saw these pieces of art, I was impressed...