Studio Ghibli, one of the most famous Japanese film production companies in the world, has recently premiered a new film titled “The Boy and the Heron” (Original title: Kimi tachi wa dou ikiruka” meaning, “How do you live” in Japanese). Both the...
Since its establishment in 1984, Studio Ghibli has continued to create many films showcasing inspiring characters, especially women and girls. In the previous article, I featured characters from the 1990s or earlier, so I’ll focus on the films of...
It has been a while since #Metoo and #Kutoo (ongoing movement in Japan against high heels policy in the workplace) movements have helped the women speak up after enduring a male-dominated society and its accompanying gender stereotypes for a long...
Studio Ghibli is one of the most famous Japanese film production companies, co-founded by Hayao Miyazaki, known as one of the world’s greatest animators. He also earned a reputation as an environmentalist who creates numerous films to move the...
We often turn to films, books, comics and news for entertainment, inspiration and information. However, media can also convey troubling messages, particularly with regards to gender. Every country has its own unique issues with media depictions of...