A groundbreaking all-gender restroom was removed from Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, an entertainment complex in Shinjuku, Tokyo, in July 2023, only four months after the opening, in the wake of criticism. Has Tokyo moved one step away from queer urbanism...
*This article contains affiliate links. Are you fed up with getting soaked in the rain? Carrying an umbrella can be a hassle, and traditional rain gear often cramps your style. Japan has come up with stylish and environmentally-friendly solutions...
*This article contains affiliate links. In recent years, boxer shorts are becoming popular among women in Japan. This trend is breaking the stereotype that they are exclusively for men. What makes them so popular? Boxer shorts provide a relaxed fit...
In recent years, the term “genderless” has become more common in everyday speech. It is frequently associated with fashion, yet it is also prevalent in other fields. Some argue that the term “genderless” is widely used for...
“Gender equality,” as stated in the SDGs, is to realize a society where each person is free to make choices regardless of gender. This trend has recently spilled over into the Japanese toy industry by introducing products that challenge gender...
Are (That), Ano-hi (That day), Okyaku-san (Guest), Onnanoko-no-hi (Girl’s day), Tsukinomono (The monthly things)… these are all Japanese euphemisms for the word “period.” For a long time, girls in Japan have been taught that...