“The Boyfriend,” Japan’s first same-sex romance reality series was released in July and has already attracted a large audience. Located by the ocean, nine young men lived together in the beach house for a month, where they learned romance and...
The Girl Scouts of Japan have released their 2023 Gender Survey Report on junior high and high school girls, highlighting significant concerns about gender equality in schools. The report, based on a comprehensive survey, reveals that a substantial...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Sony due to boost ratio of new female science and technology hires to 30%...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Nobel prize winner calls out Japan’s lack of labor-market progress for women...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Kishida’s ministerial reshuffle thwarts the future of female leadership Prime...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Women’s soccer team impresses the world, but not Japan The Japanese women’s...
A recent survey has cast a spotlight on Japan’s nuanced perspectives on gender inequality. Spanning 33 countries and encompassing over 26,259 participants, the study aimed to decipher global sentiments on equality issues. Distilling the...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Bad advice from older dads The little town of Onomichi in Hiroshima...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Japan falls further on Global Gender Gap Index On June 20, the World Economic...
“Womanhood in Japan” is a new column that rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Preferential treatment of men in Japan Unsurprising results from a...