The power of youth in the fight against climate change comes from mass mobilization. Self-taught climate activist Greta Thunberg started protesting in front of the Swedish Parliament in 2018, demanding immediate climate action from that...
Fridays for Future Japan released a statement last Friday, calling for the Japan government to take charge of developing responsible policies. Beyond the reminder that Japan has to act now to meet the climate crisis full on, FFF Japan also urges...
The coronavirus outbreak has been a bane for many outdoor activities, and the same has been true of Fridays for Future organizations in Japan. However, they are continuing their climate strikes online despite a new obstacle to rally support, because...
Youths around the world are showing their determined quality. Unfettered by the coronavirus outbreak, they are bringing the Global Climate Strike online under the banner #ClimateStrikeOnline. Come this Friday, 24 April, one of those Climate Strike...