“Kodomo Takushoku” program embarks on a new challenge: crowdfunding through Furusato Tax donations. Kodomo Takushoku, a food delivery program for economically struggling households in Bunkyo Ward, hopes to raise the potential for a...
Recently, I saw a Facebook post from an acquaintance, asking friends to fill in the blank: “Vacant Space x ____ = Money”. He was trying to address the problem of vacant houses in Japan, especially in rural regions of Japan. He wanted ideas to create...
The COVID-19 pandemic has grappled the world and has sent global economies spiraling downward. Due to this, a majority of families around the world are feeling the burden, especially for children who may not come from homes with a safe or stable...
Today was supposed to be Japan’s last day of self-quarantine. But that was not to be. The Japanese government has extended the period to 31 May for 13 cities. Until the numbers of infections drop below and under control, the situation will...
COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, is sweeping the world and affecting everyone’s work and personal life. In Japan, many initiatives are in full effect to combat this virus, and one NPO is doing its part to help children in need...