“Tora ni Tsubasa (虎に翼),” “The Tiger and Her Wings” in English, the morning drama series aired on NHK, has grown its popularity since its broadcast this April. Based on a true story, the drama depicts the life of the heroine who became Japan’s...
What would happen if men and women swap their roles entirely, and women had social and political power? You may find out the answer in a Japanese Sci-Fi manga series, “Ooku: The Inner Chambers,” by Fumi Yoshinaga, that has been made into TV drama...
Japan is lagging behind in two aspects in the world. One is the advancement of women in society, and the other is climate action. According to the Gender Inequality Index by United Nations Development Programme, Japan ranks 24th out of 162...
Femtech is a newly coined term that refers to products, software and technologies that cater to women’s wellness and health. From fertility solutions and menstruation to maternal care and menopausal lifestyles, femtech offers assistance to...
Japan is generally thought of as a country with a conservative culture and traditional gender role expectations. Men are still generally expected to be breadwinners working long hours and women are expected to stay at home and raise children. There...
Japan has one of the largest workforce gender gaps in the developed world. This is despite what women workers can offer. More women aged 25-34 in Japan are college educated than men (roughly 67% compared to 56%), yet women in higher positions are...