In Japan, various dye techniques developed during the Edo period, such as kusaki-zome, a natural dyeing technique that draws colors from plants, flowers and fruit. Back then, natural pigments were used for textile dyeing, which was eco-friendly and...
Mori, a brand from HumanForum Co. Ltd., is a used clothing store that advocates the concept of second-hand retail. They carry over 6000 vintage clothing and items from all over the world. Mori launched MORI MEMBERS two weeks ago, a subscription...
Cotton is one of the main materials used when creating clothing. There is a safe bet that a majority of individuals who have at least one T-shirt, jumper, or pull that is partially made out of the soft and comfy material. However, did you know that...
It’s no secret that looking your best in Japan is of the highest priority. Keeping a sleek appearance depicts you as professional, clean, mature, or just plain handsome. However, as we all may know, apparel has its dark side when it comes to...
Good news for anyone looking to get a waterproof jacket! Sustainable fashion brand Kapok Knot opens its ecommerce site in English today. With strong concepts of ethical fashion and fair trade in its processes, Kapok Knot is a Japanese specialty...
The fashion industry is one of the most wasteful industries in the world. Each year, companies waste a staggering amount of textile to increase profits and sales. Although nearly 100% of textiles are recyclable, nearly 95% of reusable textile is...
FROMSTOCK is an upcycled fashion brand that was recently launched in February. They carry their products at pop-up stores such as SCRAPBOOK (JEANASIS) and HARE. However, as of last month, customers can now purchase their products online. The team at...
It’s no secret that Kyoto is one of the largest cultural hubs in Japan. It’s no surprise given its rich history in art, theater, royalty and fashion. While also being home to some of Japan’s best and most well-known tea, Kyoto also stands out...
JEPLAN Inc., a Tokyo-based Japanese company, is transforming the society from a linear to a circular economy in various fields. It has collaborated with multiple corporations in the past to accelerate the transformation, such as working with Aeon...