This marks my third installment of “Manga ‘One Piece’ and social commentary.” This time, I’ve decided to delve into another significant social theme portrayed in the series. Although One Piece captivates audiences with its great story and charming...
Hate speech and discrimination are problems around the world. Each country has its own approach to dealing with these issues based on its history, background and circumstances. Germany, for example, has had severe hate speech laws since the post-war...
The coronavirus pandemic has had severe effects on Japan and the rest of the world. The most devastating impacts are, of course, the millions who have succumbed to or have been infected with the disease. While Japan has fared better than other...
Discrimination can take many forms. It affects how we are viewed based on our gender, race and other factors. Age can unfortunately be one of these, meaning older job seekers face unnecessary challenges when looking for work. Despite its rapidly...