The Girl Scouts of Japan have released their 2023 Gender Survey Report on junior high and high school girls, highlighting significant concerns about gender equality in schools. The report, based on a comprehensive survey, reveals that a substantial...
YUME School Kawasaki La Cittadella is a free school that offers a transformative approach to learning, focusing on the unique needs and interests of each child. This institution has recently launched an “eSports Course,” symbolizing its...
In recent times, preschool exchange has become a topic of discussion among Japanese parents. Preschool exchange refers to a service where, for a certain period, children attend a preschool while staying with their families in a specific region...
The summer is in full swing, and once again, we find our beaches littered with plastics. There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean, of which 269,000 tons float on the surface. We have seen how these plastics kill mammals (e.g...
It’s been a while since most of the media and non-governmental sectors have pointed out how seriously poverty influences inequality in education, and Japanese citizens who are reluctant to admit that there’s inequality within Japanese society...
By this time of the year, parents in the United States have planned out what their children could do for three months of summer break, with their jaws clenched over how much it will cost. Summer camps in the US are almost cultural phenomena: the...
Kids Door, a non-profit organization that combats child poverty in Japan through education and support, launched an emergency crowdfunding campaign beginning this week, seeking to address the critical needs of children. The initiative comes in...
The International Children’s Peace Prize is awarded annually to a child who fights courageously for children’s rights by KidsRights, an international children’s rights organization. Even those who haven’t heard of the prize before may have known the...
Everyone needs to be aware of the importance of environmental issues, including climate change, of which we are all a part. Environmental education is one essential path to raising the interest of the next generation of children. UNESCO states that...
While the gender gap in education is closing year by year in developed countries, there is still a significant gender gap in education in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and parts of South America. This disparity is caused by poverty, child...