On New Year’s Day, a devastating earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, shattering the tranquility and well-wishes everyone typically associates with the start of a new year. Due to the series of earthquakes originating...
The most inspiring academic conference I’ve attended was the “Scientific Society for the Life Circling Town of Minami-Sanriku” in Miyagi Prefecture on November 23, 2023. I joined 120 participants, a mix of researchers from various...
Every year on September 1, Disaster Prevention Day is observed in Japan. Workman, known for its products that blend functionality and fashion, offers a wide range of excellent disaster preparedness items. This report covers the 2023 Autumn-Winter...
I had believed somewhere in my heart that a huge natural disaster would never really happen to me until I watched “Japan Sinks: 2020.” Japan Sinks: 2020 depicts ordinary people’s survival of catastrophic disaster The work created by a famous...
It’s been 12 years since the magnitude-9 earthquake and 40-meter (130-feet) high tsunami hit northern Japan in March 2011. Prolonged evacuation is finally ending in Fukushima around the flooded nuclear facilities. Unfortunately, these deadly...
It can be pretty daunting to be in the vicinity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant without proper knowledge. It is no Chornobyl but can still give hesitance to visitors to the area. On the other hand, despite the radioactive disaster 11...
One of the most useful items to stockpile in the event of a disaster is food. It is recommended to stockpile at least three days to a week’s worth of emergency food, depending on the length of evacuation. Emergency provisions such as dried...