The newly-formed network “Watashi no Mirai,” “Fridays For Future Tokyo,” which has been tackling climate issues since 2019, and the “Goodbye Nuclear Power 10 Million Action,” spearheaded by noted personalities...
A call to action echoed in front of Toyota Motor Corporation’s headquarters on June 14, a demand from the environmental activists at Greenpeace Japan. As the company’s shareholders gathered for a pivotal meeting inside, the protestors...
In an attempt to curb potential environmental and health risks in their community, Indonesian residents, along with members of local NGOs, the WALHI and WALHI West Java, visited Japan between May 22-24, 2023. Their mission: hand-deliver a petition...
In the city of Hiroshima, Japan, where the G7 members convened to renew their pledges toward global issues, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres sounded an alarm: “Rich countries cannot ignore the fact that the vast majority of...
On 11 April, individual shareholders, alongside representatives from both domestic and international environmental NGOs, stepped forward with a unified message, submitting shareholder proposals that urged six major financial, trading, and power...
Cherry blossom season is one of the most beloved times of year in Japan, drawing tourists from around the world to witness the breathtaking beauty of the Sakura trees in full bloom. However, in recent years, the timing and duration of cherry blossom...
As world leaders gather in Hiroshima for the 2023 G7 Summit, a powerful confluence of factors is about to bring us to a tipping point in the global energy landscape. Climate change, geopolitical instability, and the quest for energy independence are...
Gaia Vision Co. Ltd. has released the official version of its Climate Vision platform for managing climate change and flood risks. This application was originally launched as a beta version in July 2022 and provides quantitative analysis of climate...
3 March is the “Global Day of Climate Action,” where young people around the world take actions such as marches and standing to protest against the current response to climate change. Have you decided on what action you will be joining...
Throughout history, the all-time favorite protein source has been insects. Eating insects was once common across mankind, with the ancient Greeks and Romans of 2,500 years ago seemingly partial to a bug or two. Some say that entomophagy in Japan may...