Studio Ghibli, one of the most famous Japanese film production companies in the world, has recently premiered a new film titled “The Boy and the Heron” (Original title: Kimi tachi wa dou ikiruka” meaning, “How do you live” in Japanese). Both the...
“Free schools” are on the rise in Japan, as the number of k-12 students with extended absence from classrooms (futoko) continues to grow, reaching the record high of 200,000 in 2022. Often triggered by bullying, the ratio of truancy is highest in...
Acceptance and safety are two important human needs, especially for young students who are still developing and finding their place in the world. Harassment and bullying at school threaten that sense of safety and can cause lasting harm. What is...
Mental health is every bit as important for our well-being as physical health. Yet, there can be unfortunate stigmas, shame and misunderstandings regarding the issue. This is true everywhere but especially in Japan, and it can affect Japanese and...
Suicide is a complex issue with causes that vary depending on the individual and country. Japan in particular is known for its high rate of suicides, which many attribute to cultural factors such as harsh working environments. What exactly is behind...