HolyTech and Takumi-Taku, a group of Shizuoka University students, collaborated with Suruga Take Sensuji Zaiku, Shizuoka city’s national designated traditional craft of more than 180 years, to initiate a project that aims to revive traditional...
The fashion industry is one the worst polluters in the world, responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions. One of the most effective ways to address this is to buy less. But how can we do it? We can choose to use our products as long as possible...
While Taketa City is well-known for its beauty in its surroundings. One can see the majestic mountain ranges and enjoy the sights while bathing in the many hot springs. Yet many do not realize how many wonderful artisans have gathered here, each...
Takunan Shoji (herein after Takunan), an enterprise based in Okinawa, specializes in recycling various materials. Takunan scraps over 6,600 discarded vehicles every month, but had trouble concerning the windows of these vehicles. They could not...