Since its establishment in 1984, Studio Ghibli has continued to create many films showcasing inspiring characters, especially women and girls. In the previous article, I featured characters from the 1990s or earlier, so I’ll focus on the films of...
“Moon Prism Power Make Up!” Usagi says in an orotund tone, momentarily starting to transform into a superhero called “Sailor Moon,” gorgeously dressed, getting ready for the battles. I had been truly fascinated by how an ordinary girl could bravely...
It has been a while since #Metoo and #Kutoo (ongoing movement in Japan against high heels policy in the workplace) movements have helped the women speak up after enduring a male-dominated society and its accompanying gender stereotypes for a long...
War can have devastating impacts on people and societies and have lasting consequences. In Japan’s case, World War II was the most impactful conflict in its modern history, having profound effects on the country’s development in the decades since...