Nowadays, getting married is hard enough as it is. Imagine the situation people with disabilities have upon finding a partner? It’s disastrous. To improve this situation, Kekkon Sodan (“Marriage Consultation” in English) NPO is now crowdfund a new platform for marriage hunting exclusively for people with disabilities with an online meeting system called ZOOM.

Up until now, the NPO has specialized in promoting marriage for non-regular employees and disabled people. Their activities have revealed that amongst the people who want to get married, there are only a limited number of people who have an understanding for disabled people. Therefore, people with disabilities tend to feel pressured upon being compared by people who don’t have disabilities. Furthermore, disabled people’s sphere of activity is limited, on top of how their match making process takes time, so they get stressed out.
Up until now, there were three ways for disabled people to find partners, through:
1) matchmaking parties;
2) online dating services; and
3) marriage agencies.
All three methods are unkind to disabled people. Some can’t be reached because their sphere of activity is limited, others face huge stress or have risks of getting involved in crime.
The new system will allow NPO staff to handle the early procedures of match making, which will reduce the stress for disabled people, who have to go through long procedures. All they have to do is register in advance, and a staff working on his or her behalf will take it from there. The staff will contact the person the client wishes to meet and set either an actual date or an online date via ZOOM. All the procedures up until setting the date will be done on ZOOM by the staff, which will solve the problem of disabled people having limited spheres of activity, lowering the hurdles for them to take part in matchmaking opportunities. In addition, that disable people have staff handle the early stages will reduce the stress of particularly those with mental disorder, be declined by the people they wish to meet.
If the project comes through, the platform itself will serve as a matchmaker for disabled people to find partners, which will ultimately brighten up the society!