As the weather turns colder, it’s the perfect season to unwind and enjoy a movie at home. Here are some recommended movies and an anime series that depict LGBTQ people living with joy despite challenges in life. Although some are so heavy that...
It’s the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, many people tend to feel colder. Did you know that cold sensitivity can trigger serious illnesses? Chinese medicine, brought to Japan centuries ago, suggests that raising body temperature can...
How do you select your period products? It can feel overwhelming with so many options out there. As traditional period products are mostly made from plastics, they can contribute to increased carbon footprint and turn into ocean plastic pollution...
From April 2022, the Japanese government has finally started to provide insurance coverage for fertility treatment including in vitro fertilization (IVF), at less than one-third of the previous cost. Numerous couples have awaited fertility treatment...
The sharing economy, also known as the collaborative economy or peer-to-peer economy, represents a socio-economic system wherein individuals or businesses engage in the shared utilization of goods, services, resources, or skills, often through the...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Kishida’s ministerial reshuffle thwarts the future of female leadership Prime...
People Inc., a company known for planning, developing, and selling toys for infants and young children, has initiated the “Children People Project.” This initiative brings together the curious minds of first-grade students from AIC...
A new digital platform launched this week aims to be a comprehensive resource for companies looking to elevate gender diversity, with a particular focus on the promotion of women in leadership roles. The beta version of “Jokatsu Hot...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, as a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The goals are broad and interdependent, yet each has a...
The number of working women in Japan reached a record high of 30 million in 2022, but it is still second last among developed countries after South Korea. Moreover, half of these women are employed on a part-time basis. There is still a conventional...