It is well-known that Japan has the oldest society in the world. 28.9% of the Japanese population is 65 years and above (at 36.2 million). It is still searching hard for solutions to address its declining birth rate and aging population, including labor shortage.
Convenience store chain, Lawson, has collaborated with AVITA Co. Ltd. to address that labor shortage. AVITA is in the business of creating avatars, and this time it has designed Lawson Avatars to introduce “contactless customer service.”

These avatars will support customers with their problems and explain new products. Lawson also foresees collaboration with VTubers for entertainment, remote crime prevention during late nights, online consultation with experts, remote sales, and mobile sales of local specialties. They will first hire 10 to 30 individuals for training as “Lawson Avatar Operators.”
This digital transformation will take place at Lawson’s new futuristic stores, “Green Lawson,” which is scheduled to open in Tokyo towards the end of November 2022. The success of these stores will signal Lawson to expand to 200 stores and 50 Lawson Avatar Operators within the next three years.

While these will replace face-face human interaction, one merit to using avatars is that it allows diversity in hiring. Going beyond the option of age and gender, it will enable hiring of people with different needs, for example, individuals who need a wheelchair, or individuals who find it hard to meet people (remember Osaka’s Bear Paw Cafe?)
Another advantage of using these new avatars is the prevention of overworking. Labor shortages and franchise rules often make it difficult for convenience store owners to maintain operations. It can lead to a sacrifice in welfare and to overworking. Using technology, in particular, the avatars, can alleviate the stress of owners and customers.
Japan has always been at the forefront of using technology and innovation to overcome the labor shortage issue in the country. It will be fascinating to see the success of these avatars because it will open up the potential for usage in other industries and new work styles.