Gateway to Sustainability in Japan

FoE Japan opposes Fukushima ALPS-treated water ocean release

In a move that sparked national and international outcry, the Japanese government announced plans to commence the release of ALPS-treated, albeit still contaminated, water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean as early as August 24. The decision has been vehemently opposed by environmental groups, fishermen, and communities, both in Japan and abroad.

FoE Japan released a statement on August 22, outlining five key points of opposition to the decision:

Broken Promises: The 2015 agreement between TEPCO and the Fukushima Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations stipulated that ALPS-treated water wouldn’t be disposed of without the understanding of relevant stakeholders. But “understanding” appears to have been unilaterally imposed by the government and TEPCO, as they failed to consult with the fishery organizations or host any public hearings since August 2018.

Predetermined Outcome: Despite multiple alternatives, like “large tank storage” or “mortar solidification,” only the “ocean release” was strongly pushed by the government. Cost estimates for the release have skyrocketed over 35 times the initial calculation, and the timeline has extended to over 30 years.

Unclear Risks: The government has not provided complete information about the types and amounts of radioactive materials that will be released. While they initially claimed that ALPS treatment would remove all but tritium, subsequent reports have proven that other dangerous substances like cesium and strontium remain.

Suppressing Debate: Labeling the risks and consequences as merely “harmful rumors” undermines genuine concerns and quells meaningful dialogue. This tactic, supported by media coverage, attempts to silence voices opposing the release.

Intentional Environmental Harm: Releasing even treated water adds to the already massive amounts of radioactive material inadvertently released into the environment since the 2011 disaster.

FoE Japan strongly condemns the decision and calls for its immediate reversal, demanding that any release of radioactive material into the environment be avoided, and that existing radioactive materials be centrally managed.

[Website] FoE Japan Statement release

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